Idealism and Realism
Perennial Duality
Research methods attempt to generate Truth with certainty. Truth here refers to the fullest correspondence between representations and realities within a field of interest.
In addressing the best way to reveal or produce the Truth, philosophers have long been aware of two unavoidably conflicting perspectives: idealist and realist.
This perennial conflict within metaphysics and epistemology, like all great philosophical questions, remains unresolved. The resolution offered here is the idea that we are dealing with an oscillating duality.
Two Caveats
- It is unnecessary and outside my competence to review philosophical positions. I use my own constructions to characterise perspectives which seem to be universal and biologically natural. Such innate human tendencies inevitably affect philosophers and permeate their writings.
- Note that the intrinsic nature of reality—i.e. whether it is truly material, mental, spiritual, some combination or something else entirely—is not relevant to this framework.
The duality identified here is: Scientific Realism v Epistemic Idealism.
The Scientific Realist position holds that there is a real world independent of what we might take it to be; and it is the awareness of that world that drives all inquiry and governs findings.
Scientific realism is the foundation of all inquiry and knowledge, but users of this perspective do not deny the value of ideas, nor do they necessarily reject the reality of mental (i.e. non-physical) entities or events.
The Epistemic Idealist position holds that the presence and power of ideas or ideal entities (like assumptions, values, concepts &c) must and should predominate in inquiry and shape any grasp of reality.
Epistemic idealism does not necessarily deny or reject the position of scientific realism, but users of this perspective are unwilling to depend on a realist position in their choice of research methods.
Dominance: The realist perspective is dominant in that it characterizes the 4 odd-numbered levels, while the idealist perspective characterizes the 3 even-numbered levels.
Cf. Decision methods:
This typology has a similar realist-idealist duality, which is explained here.
Note that it possesses the opposite dominance pattern i.e. the idealist perspective is dominant. Comparison of these two Typologies in terms of their realist-idealist oscillation is provided in the review section.
Scientific Realism
I use the adjective 'scientific' to be clear that this realism is limited to the research process within scientific studies. It does not speak to the many other aspects of personal functioning where a person might need a view about reality and its nature.
L'1-Empirical Method
Reality determines representations directly via a simple consensus on its sensed features.
This method is perhaps the most unequivocal in its view that there is an external reality independent of any particular person or mental outlook. Sensation-based interaction with this world leads to data and observations that are characterised as 'facts'. This applies even if those facts seem paradoxical in relation to other facts.
L'3 Explanatory Method
Reality is the testing ground for ideas. It will give pointers and answers, often partial or temporary, in response to suitable simple questions.
This method assumes that causal mechanisms within actual reality underlie observable effects and relations. The researcher accepts that it is not possible to fully grasp and be absolutely certain about the reality being investigated.
L'5-Holistic Method
Reality is primary because it exists to be changed and that involves recognizing that it is socio-physical i.e. it includes people with their intentions and meanings dealing with tangible resources in a physical environment.
The dynamic quality and complexity of reality must be represented by mapping using factor interactions, levels, contexts and dualities. If the model is an adequate representation, then it will usefully predict how reality will alter when a factor in the system is altered.
L'7-Contemplative Method
Only a profound identification with actual reality will lead to an acceptable replacement of its currently unsatisfactory representation.
This method is driven by an awareness that theoretical anomalies can only be resolved via deeper-better perceptions of the actual reality, an adjustment of current convictions and the development of a radically new and more truthful theory or paradigm.
Epistemic Idealism
I use the adjective 'epistemic' to be clear that this idealism is limited to the research process within scientific studies. It does not speak to the many other aspects of personal functioning where a person might need a view about ideas and their significance.
L'2-Analytic Method
Conceptual clarity and frameworks of ideas are necessary before reality can be sensibly investigated and represented using any method.
Primacy is given to reasoning based on pre-defined concepts and the implications of evidence. So confused concepts, poor use of language and faulty forms of argument are all foci of concern. Engagement with realities is not required even if evidence based on facts, models or experiments, is used as part of the argument. It is commonly hoped or even expected that conclusions will be applicable when using other research methods
L'4-Dialectical Method
Polarised ideas need identification and clarification because they both obscure reality and indicate a deeper unifying reality that requires representation.
Ideas, including representations, get valued by inquirers and come to drive research, condition judgements and affect subsequent evaluation of data, findings and knowledge. At the same time, values polarize and cause conflict that impedes investigation and representation of the actual reality.
L'6-Formal Method
Ideas can be made absolutely precise and certain, and their development is controllable by positing rules of logic. This enables sharing and manipulation of those ideas regardless of the actual state of reality.
Assumptions and logic are not viewed as intrinsic to actual reality. Reality exists but it is so messy, complicated and distorted by bias and reporting errors that it cannot be handled directly. It seems just an extraordinary coincidence that mathematics works so well in physics.
Originally drafted: 19-Apr-2015. Last amended 21-Feb-2022.